Salivary Glands guardians of mouth

Salivary Glands: The Guardians of Your Mouth

Do you know the role that your salivary glands play in upholding your oral health? These warriors are often disregarded, but the fact is they are one of your mouth’s greatest natural guardians. Dental Center is pleased to report how this works.

Many foods you eat contain excellent sources of nourishment that maintain both your oral health and bodily health. But it’s a two-edged sword. Most of these foods also contain various levels of nutrients that are terrible for your teeth—namely acid and sugar. Acid wears away at your tooth enamel. This paves the way for bad bacteria to generate cavities. And sugar is fuel for these bad bacteria.

Would you like to know exactly where your salivary glands are located? They can be found on the palate, cheeks, and floor of your mouth. The substance that they discharge—saliva—does more than dampen your mouth or help you digest your food. Point in fact: saliva is packed with minerals which are naturally designed to decrease acid levels. It also washes away sugar and bad bacteria from your teeth and gums.

So the next time you see or smell something delicious and you start to salivate, know that it’s more than just a sign that you are hungry. Your salivary glands are going into military formations, preparing to defend your teeth from its enemies. Don’t worry: with your help, your mouth will win the war. Brush morning and night, floss daily, and come and see Dr. Ball and Dr. Broadbent, our dentists in Orem, Utah. Just give us a call at 801.224.6165 to book an appointment. We’ll be your guardians too.